Biden, India's Modi meet virtually amid difference on Ukraine war

Biden, India's Modi meet virtually amid difference on Ukraine war

US, Indian leaders hail growing bilateral cooperation as Washington pushes for New Delhi to take harder line on Russia

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Joe Biden hosted Indian Premier Narendra Modi for a virtual meeting at the White House on Monday as the two nations seek to bolster bilateral ties despite stark differences on Russia's war against Ukraine.

Biden said the US and India are in "close consultations" about Russia's assault on its eastern European neighbor, and how best to manage its "destabilizing effects."

"At the root of our partnership is a deep connection between our people, ties of family, of friendship, and shared values," he said. "I want to welcome India's humanitarian support for the people of Ukraine who are suffering a horrific assault."

Biden is meeting virtually with Modi behind closed doors while the Indian and American defense and foreign secretaries meeting in-person in Washington.

The president and prime minister emphasized the growing bilateral ties between Washington and New Delhi, pointing in particular to advances in their defense partnership.

"The new momentum that has been created would have been hard to even imagine a few decades ago," said Modi, who called the situation in Ukraine "very worrying."

"I am confident that our friendship with America will be an integral part of India's development journey over the next 25 years," he added.

While the leaders are expected to address a broad set of topics during Monday's meeting, the US is also expected to press India to adopt a tougher line against Russia. New Delhi has officially adopted a policy of neutrality in the conflict, but Modi did say the apparent mass killings of civilians in Bucha "very worrying."

But India has so far resisted pressure from the US to tamp down purchases of Russian oil and gas, main drivers of Moscow's economy, and abstained last week from a UN General Assembly vote that suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council.

Washington is also considering sanctions on India for its purchase of the advance Russian S-400 air defense system.

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