EU's Borrell urges Iran to end arms deliveries to Russia

EU's Borrell urges Iran to end arms deliveries to Russia

'We insist on Iran to stop providing arms to Russia. Iran denies it but Ukrainians have been providing evidence of these drones,' says bloc's foreign policy chief

By Oliver Towfigh Nia

BERLIN (AA) – The EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Friday called on Iran to end its military support to Russia in the war against Ukraine.

"We insist on Iran to stop providing arms to Russia. Iran denies it but Ukrainians have been providing evidence of these drones," Borrell said on the sidelines of the Group of Seven foreign ministers' meeting in the western German city of Muenster.

His remarks came in the wake of statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who also expressed concern on Thursday.

"We also see that Iran is offering drones and considering supplying ballistic missiles to Russia," said Stoltenberg, adding, "This is unacceptable. No country should support Moscow in this illegal war."

A staunch ally of Moscow, Tehran has so far denied supplying arms to Russia.

Meanwhile, Borrell also condemned the security crackdown on anti-regime protesters in Iran and vowed "to continue supporting the demonstrators."

"We have to express our strong support to the demonstrators, especially the women, the courageous women in Iran," he added.

Iran has been rocked by protests since mid-September after the custodial death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the country’s morality police for allegedly violating the Islamic dress code.

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