Germany calls for fresh free, fair polls in Venezuela

Germany calls for fresh free, fair polls in Venezuela

Berlin says it is considering recognizing Guaido as 'interim president', if Venezuela does not hold free and fair elections

By Ayhan Simsek

BERLIN (AA) - Germany is considering to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as “interim president”, if Venezuela would not hold free and fair elections, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman said on Friday.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, Steffen Seibert said European Union member states were having talks to adopt a common stance.

“Within the framework of EU internal consultations, Germany is advocating the recognition of Juan Guaido as interim president, if the country would not hold free and free elections immediately,” he said.

Venezuela has been rocked by protests since Jan. 10 when Maduro was sworn in for a second term following a vote boycott by the opposition. Several South American countries, Russia and Turkey have also expressed solidarity with Maduro.

On Wednesday, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido declared himself president and called for mass anti-government protests that have filled city streets across the country.

Guaido's declaration was recognized by the U.S. shortly after it was made and also backed by Canada and several Latin American nations.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the opposition of seeking to stage a coup with the support of the U.S. administration.

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