Humanitarian pause extended in Gaza Strip for Thursday

Humanitarian pause extended in Gaza Strip for Thursday

Mediation efforts continue to reach lasting cease-fire between Palestinians, Israelis in Gaza

JERUSALEM (AA) - The temporary humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip was extended on Thursday for one day.

Majid Al-Ansari, spokesperson for the Qatari Foreign Ministry, told Qatar’s official news agency QNA that the humanitarian pause was extended for an additional day under the same terms.

The extension occurred through mediation efforts involving Qatar, Egypt, and the US.

Ongoing mediation efforts continue to secure a permanent cease-fire in the enclave.

The Palestinian Hamas group confirmed the extension of the pause with the same previous conditions.

The Israeli army also emphasized that the extension resulted from the efforts of the mediators and it aims to facilitate the release of more hostages.

*Writing by Mahmoud Mohamed Barakat in Ankara

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