Truck overturns in central Zambia, kills 35 marketeers

Truck overturns in central Zambia, kills 35 marketeers

24 others injured, with 4 in critical condition, say authorities

By James Kunda

LUSAKA, Zambia (AA) – A truck carrying 59 marketeers overturned in central Zambia early Sunday, killing 35 and leaving 24 others injured, authorities said.

Addressing reporters late Sunday afternoon, Central Province Minister Credo Nanjuwa said 27 of the victims died on the spot in the Luano district, with eight dying on the way to a referral facility.

"Of the 24, four are in a critical state and we are looking to evacuate them to Kabwe General Hospital (in the provincial capital)," said Nanjuwa, adding that the Zambia National Service had also been engaged to repatriate the dead bodies into morgues.

Charity Munganga, deputy police commissioner for Central Province, said separately in a statement that the accident occurred when the driver of the vessel lost control.

"This happened today at an area called Mansansa in Luano as the vehicle overturned," Munganga said.

The southern African nation has recorded a number of fatal road accidents in the first half of 2023, with another being in May, where 24 New Apostolic Church members were killed and 12 others wounded.

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