Turkish security forces apprehend 2 suspected human traffickers with 44 irregular migrants

Turkish security forces apprehend 2 suspected human traffickers with 44 irregular migrants

Gendarmerie teams stop 2 vans during road check in Kirkagac district of Manisa province, and during search recover inflatable boats, engines, pumps, unlicensed hunting rifle

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish security forces on Tuesday apprehended two suspected human traffickers as well as 44 irregular migrants in western Manisa province.

Gendarmerie teams stopped two vans during a road check in Kirkagac district, sources in law enforcement said, requesting to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

During the vehicle searches, 44 irregular migrants were found sitting inside, along with two inflatable boats, two boat engines, a pump, and an unlicensed hunting rifle, they added.

They said two suspected human traffickers have been arrested, and all irregular migrants have been transferred to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration to be processed under the law.

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