1 Palestinian killed, another wounded by Israeli gunfire in West Bank: WAFA

1 Palestinian killed, another wounded by Israeli gunfire in West Bank: WAFA

Israeli army carries out raids in several areas of West Bank

By Ahmed Gouda

RAMALLAH, Palestine (AA) - A 19-year-old Palestinian was killed and another man was wounded early Tuesday when Israeli forces opened fire on them near the town of Beit Anan in the occupied West Bank.

“Israeli forces opened fire on two youths near Jabal al-Jibea, where the apartheid separation wall is erected in the town, before proceeding to arrest them,” local sources told the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

The sources said that Israeli forces later reported the death of the young man, Musab Mujahid Kamel al-Matari, who was subsequently transferred to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

Israeli forces entered the city of Tulkarm in significant numbers accompanied by two military bulldozers. They also raided the town of Silwad near Ramallah and the village of Faqou'a northeast of Jenin.

The forces also invaded the town of Beit Duqqu, located northwest of Jerusalem, and vandalized a monument dedicated to the town's martyrs.

*Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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