11 climbers killed as Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts

11 climbers killed as Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts

Evacuation process made harder by rainy weather as 12 more are still not located

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – At least 11 climbers have died due to volcano eruption in Indonesia, while authorities are working to locate 12 others, local media reported on Monday.

Indonesia on Sunday began evacuating dozens of hikers who were stranded near Mount Merapi, one of the world's most active volcanoes in West Sumatra.

The eruption started at 2.54 p.m. local time (0754GMT) on Sunday, sending hot ash and other volcanic debris 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) into the sky.

According to Kompas TV, 12 out of 35 climbers were evacuated safely and admitted to hospital.

Eleven others were declared dead and their bodies are being brought down the mountain, while search for 12 others is still going on, it added.

The volcano has seen 45 eruptions since Sunday.

Mount Merapi stands 2,891 meters (9,485 feet) tall and is situated on the island of Sumatra, where authorities have long prohibited residents and tourists from hiking within a three-kilometer radius of its crater.

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