11, mostly students, dead as gym roof collapses in China

11, mostly students, dead as gym roof collapses in China

Incident happens at school in Qiqihar city in northeastern Heilongjiang province

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – At least 11 people, mostly students, died when the roof of a gymnasium collapsed in China on Monday.

The incident happened at No. 34 Middle School in Qiqihar city, home to over five million people, in northeastern Heilongjiang province at around 10 a.m. (0200GMT), Beijing-based Xinhua News reported.

While the investigation into the incident has been launched, the daily South China Morning Post reported that a total of 19 people were in the stadium when the incident happened.

It added most of the deceased are students.

Some people, including those from a construction company, have been detained.

The roof of the gymnasium is said to have collapsed after rain. However, a probe is still going on.

The school’s girls’ volleyball team was reportedly training when the roof fell down.

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