11 workers killed as under-construction wall collapses due to heavy rain in New Delhi

11 workers killed as under-construction wall collapses due to heavy rain in New Delhi

Ongoing monsoon season, which runs from June to September, has caused significant damage, loss of life across India

By Zeynep Katre Oran

ANKARA (AA) – Eleven workers were killed when an under-construction wall collapsed due to heavy rainfall in the Indian capital New Delhi.

According to Indian news broadcaster NDTV, the collapse happened on Friday in New Delhi's Vasant Vihar area, with authorities confirming that all 11 victims had been recovered from the site.

The India Meteorological Department has warned that heavy showers are expected in parts of New Delhi until Monday. It has also issued a flood alert for the region.

In a separate incident linked to the severe weather, the roof of Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi partially collapsed on Friday.

The airport officials reported that a section of the roof fell, resulting in one fatality and six injuries.

The ongoing monsoon season in India, which runs from June to September, has caused significant damage and loss of life across the country.

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