14,000 people evacuated after unexploded bomb found in Poland's Lublin

14,000 people evacuated after unexploded bomb found in Poland's Lublin

Residents asked to leave before 11.30 a.m. (0930GMT) local time before city closes to traffic

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - Nearly 14,000 people living in the eastern Polish city of Lublin have been evacuated after an unexploded bomb was found in the city.

Authorities on Thursday told residents to leave their homes between 7 a.m. (0500GMT) and 11 a.m. (0900GMT) Friday and make their way to a meeting point, according to the state-run PAP news agency.

A representative of the city's mayor's office said buses would be arranged to take evacuees to a local stadium and special arrangements have been made for the disabled and those in need of care.

The mayor's office said the affected part of the city would be completely closed to traffic from 11.30 a.m. (0930GMT) on Friday and public transport would be rerouted.

"All our units are on standby and are working closely with the police and army, as well as the fire brigade, all the services responsible for the entire process of securing and disposing of the ordnance," Krzysztof Zuk, the mayor of Lublin, told a press conference, adding that the situation was "under full control."

A construction worker on Thursday stumbled upon the bomb while doing ground work and then the area was cordoned off by police and army bomb disposal experts were called in.

The unexploded bomb was found at the site of a pre-World War II aircraft factory. During the war, the site was used as a prisoner of war and labor camp.

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