17 die of extreme heat in South Korea

17 die of extreme heat in South Korea

Country has been in grip of scorching heat since mid-June

By Anadolu staff

An ongoing searing heatwave has claimed 17 lives over the weekend across South Korea, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency and fire authorities said.

Most of the deceased were farmers and elderly people working outside in the extreme heat, Seoul-based Yonhap News reported on Monday.

South Korea has been in the grip of scorching heat since the season's first heat wave alerts went into effect in mid-June, with recent highs at around 35C in many parts of the country.

North Gyeongsang province was the hardest-hit region, with seven elderly farmers killed.

On Saturday alone, the province saw four heat-related deaths involving elderly farmers working outside, in Mungyeong, Gimcheon, Sangju and Gyeongsan, respectively.

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