18 killed, 23 injures as bus carrying suspected irregular immigrants crashes into ravine in Mexico

18 killed, 23 injures as bus carrying suspected irregular immigrants crashes into ravine in Mexico

Bus carrying 42 passengers from India, Dominican Republic, and African countries was traveling from Mexico City to Tijuana, which borders San Diego in US

By Aynur Seyma Asan

ANKARA (AA) – At least 18 people were killed and 23 others were injured, the majority of whom were foreign nationals, when their bus plunged into a ravine in northwestern Mexico on Thursday.

The bus, which was carrying an estimated 42 passengers from India, the Dominican Republic, and some African countries, was traveling from Mexico City to northwestern Tijuana, which borders San Diego in California state, from where many migrants attempt to seek refuge in the US, local media reported, citing officials.

The bus fell from a height of 40 meters (131 feet) in Nayarit state, according to a statement from Nayarit Civil Protection and Firefighters.

In the accident, 18 people died, including three children, and 23 others were injured.

The bus driver, who survived the crash, has been arrested on suspicion of speeding, which caused him to lose control and plunge down an embankment near the state capital of Tepic.

It is believed that the passengers on the bus were irregular migrants attempting to cross the US border.

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