19 undocumented migrants held in southern Turkey

19 undocumented migrants held in southern Turkey

2 others arrested on charges of human trafficking in Hatay province

By Huseyin Yildiz, Lale Koklu

HATAY, Turkey (AA) - At least 19 undocumented Syrian migrants were held in the southern Turkish province of Hatay after they illegally crossed into Turkey from Syria, a police source said on Thursday.

The migrants, including four children, were rounded up after police stopped a pick-up truck carrying them on Kirikhan-Reyhanli highway near Kirikhan district of the province.

2 people -- one of them is the driver of the truck-- were arrested on charges of human trafficking, while the migrants were sent to the provincial immigration authority.

Turkey has been the main route for refugees trying to cross into Europe, especially since the beginning of the civil war in Syria.

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