2 houses in Turkey hit by PYD/PKK’s harassing fire

2 houses in Turkey hit by PYD/PKK’s harassing fire

Houses were hit by anti-aircraft bullets in southern Kilis’ province

By Kerem Kocalar

KILIS, Turkey (AA) - As Turkish army launched an operation in Syria’s Afrin, PYD/PKK terrorist group’s harassing fire hit two houses in Turkey’s southern border province of Kilis.

Turkish artillery units stationed in the region responded to the fire.

The operation, dubbed as “Operation Olive Branch” aims to establish security and stability along Turkish borders and the region as well as to eliminate terrorists and to protect Syrian people from the terrorists’ oppression and cruelty.

Abdurrahman Yildirim, owner of a house which was hit by an anti-aircraft bullet, told Anadolu Agency that the incident occurred while his son was alone at home.

Yildirim said the bullet hit one of the walls of his house.

“We removed the bullet. Thank God nobody was hurt,” he said and hoped the Turkish security forces would successfully conclude the operation in Afrin.

The Turkish General Staff confirmed that it launched “Operation Olive Branch” on Saturday at 5.00 p.m. (1400GMT).

The operation is carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council’s decisions and self-defense right under UN charter, said the military.

The statement said the operation will also take sensitivity into account and no civilian/innocent person would be harmed.

The PYD/PKK is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terrorist group, which has been designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU.

Since the mid-1980s, the PKK has waged a wide-ranging terror campaign against the Turkish state in which an estimated 40,000 people have been killed.

More than 1,200 security personnel have been martyred since July 2015 when the group resumed its armed campaign against the Turkish state following a fragile cease-fire.

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