2 Jordanian soldiers killed after aid trucks overturn

2 Jordanian soldiers killed after aid trucks overturn

Military aid trucks part of convoy heading to Gaza, army says

By Laith Al-jnaidi

AMMAN, Jordan (AA) - Two Jordanian soldiers were killed and two others were injured Sunday in an accident involving military aid trucks.

The three trucks, part of a humanitarian aid convoy heading to the Gaza Strip, veered off course on the Dead Sea road near Adasiya and overturned.

The army said in a statement that “an accident occurred involving the overturning of three military trucks this afternoon as part of a humanitarian aid convoy heading to the Gaza Strip."

It added that it resulted in the deaths of Sergeant Imad Atta Aref Al-Aram and Private 2nd Class Yahya Othman Yahya Al-Sayeh and the injury of two others, “whose conditions are moderate.”

The army highlighted its continued dispatch of humanitarian aid “to assist the people in the Gaza Strip in overcoming the difficult situations they are going through.”

Since last December, the number of aid trucks entering Gaza from Jordan has reached 2,110, according to the latest statistics from the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization.

*Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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