2 killed, over 400,000 people without power as severe storm hits eastern US

2 killed, over 400,000 people without power as severe storm hits eastern US

Severe storms sweep across US East Coast from Pennsylvania to Georgia, causing casualties, significant power outages, and disrupting air travel

By Faruk Zorlu

ANKARA (AA) – At least two people lost their lives, and over 400,000 people have been without power since early Tuesday following severe storms that swept through several states along the US East Coast from Pennsylvania to Georgia.

On Monday evening, the severe weather caused power outages for over a million homes, according to the PowerOutage website, which the latest map showing approximately 410,000 households along the East Coast without electricity.

Over 29.5 million people were under a tornado watch on Monday in a region extending from Alabama to New York, the National Weather Service stated.

In Alabama, a 28-year-old man died after being struck by lightning in an industrial park parking lot, daily ABC News reported, citing local police.

Also, a 15-year-old boy died in Anderson, South Carolina, when a falling tree struck him outside his grandparent’s house, CBS News said in a report, citing the city's Fire Department Chief Charles King.

By early Tuesday, more than 985 US flights have been canceled and nearly 7,000 delayed, according to the flight tracking website FlightAware.​​​​​​​

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