2 South African soldiers killed, 20 injured in DR Congo

2 South African soldiers killed, 20 injured in DR Congo

Soldiers part of Southern African regional bloc of peacekeepers in violence-torn nation

By Hassan Isilow

A mortar attack in the strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) killed two South African soldiers and injured 20 others who are deployed on a peace keeping mission there, the army said on Wednesday.

Spokesman Siphiwe Dlamini said the attack targeted one of their bases in the town of Sake, near the city of Goma on Tuesday, resulting in the casualties.

"Four members who were critically injured have been hospitalized, whilst the rest who suffered minor injuries are expected to be discharged soon," Dlamini said in a statement.

South Africa's 2,900 soldiers are part of the Southern African Development Community Mission, SAMIDRC, which was deployed to support and assist the government of DRC in its efforts to fight M23 rebels and bring peace, security and stability in its restive eastern region.

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