2 terror suspects fleeing to Greece nabbed in Türkiye

2 terror suspects fleeing to Greece nabbed in Türkiye

5 people in total caught by border guards, says Turkish Ministry of National Defense

By Busra Nur Cakmak

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish authorities nabbed two terror suspects illegally fleeing to Greece, the Turkish National Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday.

A total of five people were caught by Turkish border guards, including a suspected member of the PKK terror group and another allegedly from the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind the defeated 2016 coup in Türkiye, the ministry said on Twitter.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

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