2 US navy sailors arrested for allegedly spying for China

2 US navy sailors arrested for allegedly spying for China

Sailors ‘accused of violating the commitments they made to protect the United States,’ says official

By Betul Yuruk

Two US Navy servicemembers were arrested on charges of ''transmitting sensitive military information'' to China, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Active-duty sailor Jinchao Wei, also known as Patrick Wei, is accused of conspiracy to send national defense information to an intelligence officer working for China, according to the indictment.

In a separate case, Navy servicemember Wenheng Zhao, also known as Thomas Zhao, 26, was charged with receiving bribes in exchange for transmitting sensitive military information to an intelligence officer from China.

''These individuals stand accused of violating the commitments they made to protect the United States and betraying the public trust, to the benefit of the PRC government,'' said Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen.

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