29 die as boat capsizes in northwestern Nigeria

29 die as boat capsizes in northwestern Nigeria

Boat capsizes in Shagari River in Sokoto State, local authorities say

By Olanrewaju Kola

LAGOS, Nigeria (AA) - At least 29 people died after a boat capsized in a river in Nigeria’s northwestern Sokoto state, local authorities said on Wednesday.

The incident took place on the Shagari River near the Gidan Magana village of the Shagari local government area.

Sokoto Governor Aminu Tambuwal also visited the site of the incident.

"It was a sad news of the tragic death of scores of our citizens who perished as a result of a boat mishap," he said.

The governor extended condolences to the families of the victims and also commended citizens who volunteered to rescue about a dozen of people.

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