3 Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in West Bank

3 Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in West Bank

Israeli forces fatally shoot three Palestinians while in car

By Qais Abu Samra

RAMALLAH, Palestine (AA) – Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire on Thursday during a military raid in the West Bank city of Jenin, according to local media.

Israeli forces opened fire on a Palestinian vehicle in al-Fawwara area in Jaba town in Jenin, killing its three occupants, the state news agency Wafa reported.

The deaths came two days after six Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces during a raid in Jenin.

The Israeli army frequently carries out raids in Palestinian towns in the West Bank to arrest what the military calls “wanted” Palestinians.

At least 77 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the start of this year, according to Palestinian figures.

Fourteen Israelis have also been killed in the same period.

*Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

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