3 people, including university student, shot dead in South Africa

3 people, including university student, shot dead in South Africa

Gun violence is common in South Africa where scores of people are shot at every day in robberies, gang-related or domestic violence

By Hassan Isilow

Three people including a university student have been shot dead by unknown gunmen in Braamfontein near the Johannesburg city center, police said on Thursday.

Police spokesperson Col. Dimakatso Nevhuhulwi said unknown gunmen opened fire on two men sitting inside a parked car, killing both of them.

Nevhuhulwi said a bus passing the scene was also hit by bullets, leading to the death of one student and the injury of another.

Police said it is investigating the motive behind the shooting.

Gun violence is common in South Africa, where scores of people are shot at every day in robberies, gang-related or domestic violence.

Mass shootings have become more frequent in the country in recent months.

Kaynak:Source of News

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