3 PKK terrorists killed in eastern Turkey operation

3 PKK terrorists killed in eastern Turkey operation

Security operation remains ongoing in Van province's Ipekyolu district

By Cemal Asan

VAN, Turkey (AA) - Turkish security forces killed three PKK terrorists in an operation in Turkey's eastern Van province late Thursday, a Turkish security source said Friday.

According to the source, who spoke to Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, Turkish security forces had identified terrorists in the Hacibekir neighborhood of Ipekyolu district, who were allegedly planning an attack but were then later "neutralized" in an operation.

The source added that an operation was continuing in the region. Turkish forces are said to be in pursuit of four wounded terrorists on the run.

PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU – resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015.

Since then, around 500 security personnel, including troops, police officers, and village guards, have been martyred, and over 4,900 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq.

*Anadolu Agency Correspondent Emin Avundukluoglu contributed to this story from Ankara.

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