3 rockets hit Turkey’s SE, injuring 5 people

3 rockets hit Turkey’s SE, injuring 5 people

Rockets from Syria again hit the SE province of Kilis, 6 km from the border

KILIS, Turkey (AA) – Three rockets fired from Syria hit Turkey’s southeastern border province of Kilis on Friday.

According to a security source who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media, the rockets hit the garden of a house and empty fields in Kilis’ Elbeyli district.

The preliminary report said that five people were injured by the attack, and the glass in some buildings shattered. The injured were rushed to the hospital. Police tightened security measures in the area.

Kilis lies 6 kilometers (4 miles) from the Syrian border.

Turkish towns and provinces have been repeatedly struck by fire from across the frontier since mid-January.

In Kilis province alone, the local governor has confirmed that a total of 20 people have been killed and almost 70 others wounded by rockets which have fallen inside Turkish territory.

Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus – speaking on May 2 after a cabinet meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – said that over last three months 55 rockets had been fired by Daesh into Kilis.

The Turkish military has shelled Daesh positions in retaliation. On May 2, Turkish forces struck Daesh gun emplacements and ammunition dumps in the Suran, Arshak, Ikdakh and Ihtimalat regions on the Syrian side of the border, initially killing 50 terrorists. This figure later rose to 64.

Kaynak:Source of News

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