3 suspects remanded over Istanbul terror blast

3 suspects remanded over Istanbul terror blast

Tuesday's attack in Istanbul's Beyazit area killed 11 people, injured 36 others

By Murat Kaya

ISTANBUL (AA) – Three men linked to a deadly bomb attack in Istanbul this week were remanded in custody Saturday.

According to Istanbul's Chief Prosecutor's Office, one man identified only as Eyyup S. was remanded on charges of premeditated murder and of being a member of a terrorist organization.

Two other men -- Abdulsettar B. and Mehmet Nur K. -- were remanded on charges of membership of a terrorist organization.

Tuesday’s attack in central Istanbul’s Beyazit area saw a bomb blast hit a police vehicle. Seven police officers and four civilians lost their lives. Thirty-six other people were wounded.

*Anadolu Agency correspondent Sibel Ugurlu contributed to this report.

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