$4.7M counterfeit cash seized by Nigerian authorities

$4.7M counterfeit cash seized by Nigerian authorities

Anti-drug agency also arrests drug dealers, recovers narcotics

By Ibrahim Garba Shuaibu

KANO, Nigeria (AA) - Nigeria's anti-drug agency seized $4.7 million of counterfeit cash in the capital Abuja, officials announced on Sunday.

In a statement, the West African country's National Drug Law Enforcement Agency said operatives intercepted a consignment sent to Abuja from the southwestern city of Lagos in the Abaji area of the Federal Capital Territory.

According to the statement, the agency confiscated the counterfeit US dollars and arrested the 52-year-old principal suspect, Abdulmumini Maikasuwa, after receiving a tip-off.

Meanwhile, the agency also arrested two drug dealers in the eastern town of Hong, with 209 kilograms (461 pounds) of cannabis.

Its operatives in the state of Bauchi, northeast of the capital, also intercepted a truck en route to Maiduguri city from Lagos, seizing 164.8 kg of cannabis sativa concealed in milk cartons.

Kaynak:Source of News

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