4 Iran-linked Afghan Shia militiamen killed in Syria

4 Iran-linked Afghan Shia militiamen killed in Syria

Iran-backed Fatemiyoun Division is composed almost entirely of Shia fighters from Afghanistan

By Mustafa Melih Ahishali

ISTANBUL (AA) - Four members of the Fatemiyoun Division, an Afghan Shia militia affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, have been killed fighting in Syria, Iranian media reported Thursday.

Exactly where in Syria the fighters were killed -- and who they were fighting -- remains unclear, however.

Backed by Tehran, the Fatemiyoun Division (Liwa Fatemiyoun) is composed almost exclusively of Afghan Shia fighters.

Iran is home to an estimated three million Afghans, many of whom have fled persecution and conflict in their home country.

To date, roughly 2,400 Iranian soldiers have been killed in war-torn Syria, where they have fought alongside Assad regime forces since the conflict began in 2011.

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