6 tourists arrested over alleged gang rape of British teen in Spain

6 tourists arrested over alleged gang rape of British teen in Spain

French, Swiss nationals arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, violation of right to privacy

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Spanish authorities have launched an investigation into the alleged gang rape of an 18-year-old British woman on the island of Majorca, media reports said Thursday.

The incident reportedly took place early Monday at a hotel in the holiday resort town of Magaluf, the BBC reported.

Police have arrested five French tourists and a Swiss tourist on suspicion of sexual assault and violation of the right to privacy.

They are in custody and their phones have been seized by the police, the report said.

The incident is the second case of suspected gang rape on the island in recent months. A group of German tourists was arrested in July on suspicion of sexually assaulting a woman.

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