8 killed in suspected Boko Haram attack in Niger

8 killed in suspected Boko Haram attack in Niger

Death toll is expected to rise further in attack on village, where houses have been set ablaze

NIAMEY, Niger (AA) - At least eight people have been killed and several others injured in a suspected Boko Haram attack in Niger’s southeastern Diffa region, official sources told Anadolu Agency on Friday.

Mamadou Bako, mayor of Bosso, said: "Elements of the Nigerian [Boko Haram] group attacked a Yebi village on the night between Thursday and Friday. They set houses and a market on fire, attacked residents and killed at least eight people and injured many others.”

Eyewitnesses and local humanitarian sources said the death toll is likely to rise as rescue teams continue to search for survivors in the debris of burnt houses.

The attack came less than a week after a regional security meeting was held in the Nigerian capital of Abuja on the fight against terrorism in the Lake Chad Region.

In recent months, the region has suffered more than 60 Boko Haram attacks that killed hundreds of civilians and soldiers, according to security sources.

Last October, Boko Haram executed 13 people in another village in the Diffa Region.

The Diffa region has been under a state of emergency since February 2015 due to Boko Haram threats.

Thousands of villagers have been forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring cities and countries.

Niger is part of a Multinational Joint Task Force that was created by Lake Chad Basin countries -- Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Benin -- aimed at eradicating the Boko Haram militant group.

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