850 people still missing after Hawaii wildfires, says mayor

850 people still missing after Hawaii wildfires, says mayor

114 people have been confirmed dead, says Maui County mayor

By Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) - A total of 850 people are still missing as of Monday morning following deadly wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, according to Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen.

In a video posted on Facebook, Bissen said that 114 people have been confirmed dead, with 27 of them identified and 11 families already notified.

"To the tireless work of the FBI and the Maui Police Department, 1,285 individuals have been located safe," Bissen said. "We are both saddened and relieved about these numbers as we continue the recovery process."

Later in the day, President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden are set to travel to Hawaii, where he will meet with first responders, survivors, as well as federal, state, and local officials.

Biden faced criticism from Republicans for his initial response to the deadly wildfires. He was vacationing at his Delaware beach house when the wildfires broke out and did not make public remarks about the death toll.

Earlier this month, the island was ravaged by the wildfires, and the historic Lahaina Town bore the full force of the flames.

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