867 people killed in May across war-torn Iraq: UN

867 people killed in May across war-torn Iraq: UN

Death toll doesn’t include casualties recorded in Anbar province, where fighting continues to rage between army, Daesh

By Ibrahim Saleh

BAGHDAD (AA) – At least 867 people were killed and another 1,456 injured last month in ongoing violence across war-torn Iraq, according to a monthly report released by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

The report, which was released on Wednesday, said last month’s casualties included 468 civilians killed and 1,041 injured.

According to the report, 267 deaths and 740 injuries were reported in capital Baghdad alone.

The previous month saw 741 people killed and 1,374 injured countrywide, according to UNAMI.

The latest report, however, does not include casualties recorded in the western Anbar province, the site of fierce fighting between the Iraqi army and its allies and the Daesh terrorist group in and around the city of Fallujah.

Iraq has suffered from a devastating security vacuum since mid-2014, when Daesh overran the northern city of Mosul before capturing additional territory in both Iraq and neighboring Syria.

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