About 15,000 Russian soldiers killed in war, Ukraine claims

About 15,000 Russian soldiers killed in war, Ukraine claims

97 Russian aircraft, 498 tanks, 1,535 armored vehicles, 45 air defense systems destroyed, Ukrainian army claims

By Ruslan Rehimov

KYIV, Ukraine (AA) - About 15,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine so far, the Ukrainian military claimed on Monday.

Ukrainian forces have also destroyed 97 Russian aircraft, 121 helicopters, 498 tanks, 1,535 armored carriers, 240 cannons, 80 rocket launcher systems, and 45 air defense systems since Feb. 24, according to the Ukrainian General Staff.

The Russian forces also lost 969 vehicles, three light speedboats, 60 fuel vehicles, and 24 UAVs, it added.

According to UN estimates, at least 902 civilians have been killed and around 1,459 others injured in Ukraine since Russia began its attack on its western neighbor on Feb. 24.

However, the UN has warned that the true toll is likely to be much higher because it has not been able to gain access to areas of heightened hostility.

The hostilities have also driven 10 million people from their homes either internally or as refugees abroad, according to the UN refugee agency.

*Writing by Merve Berker in Ankara

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