Afghanistan rejects UN report on extrajudicial killing, torture

Afghanistan rejects UN report on extrajudicial killing, torture

Report alleging 800 people were killed, tortured by forces of Islamic Emirate is far from reality, says Afghan spokesman

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) – The interim Afghan government on Tuesday denied a UN report that alleged the Kabul administration killed and tortured people since its takeover on Aug. 15, 2021.

The UN report detailed 800 cases of extrajudicial killing, arbitrary arrest, torture, and forced disappearance involving former Afghan government affiliates and security personnel.

The Afghan government spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, denied the allegation saying on X: “The recent report of the UN representative in Afghanistan, which says that more than 800 people of the previous administration were killed and tortured by the forces of the Islamic Emirate, is not true and far from reality.”

Emphasizing the amnesty's validity in general, he said: “Of course, some personal and unknown cases of revenge have been seriously investigated by the relevant bodies of the Islamic Emirate, which are limited in number.”

“Unfortunately, instead of understanding the realities of Afghanistan and seeing positive developments, some organizations within the United Nations always seek negative aspects and spread propaganda which, indeed, damage their credibility,” he added.

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