Algeria, Russia hold talks to strengthen military cooperation

Algeria, Russia hold talks to strengthen military cooperation

Secretary of Russian Security Council visits Algeria

By Hassan Jibril

ALGIERS, Algeria (AA) – Algerian Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Said Chengriha, held talks in the capital Algiers on Monday with Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, to discuss ways of strengthening military cooperation.

A military statement said the discussions dwelt on bilateral military cooperation as well as exchanging views on issues of common concern.

Chengriha said Patrushev’s visit is "evidence on the firm and explicit will of the two countries to strengthen the strategic and historical partnership that characterizes their bilateral relations, especially in the field of military cooperation,” the statement said.

Patrushev, for his part, underlined the depth of relations between Russia and Algeria, hailing the North African country’s role in bringing peace and stability to the region, according to the same source.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is scheduled to visit Russia in May.

Algeria is one of Russia's main military allies on the African continent and a major buyer of Russian weapons.

*Ikram Imane Kouachi contributed to this report.

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