Ambulance workers begin strike in England, Wales

Ambulance workers begin strike in England, Wales

Members of Unison, Unite, GMB hold strike actions, announce further walkouts

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Thousands of British ambulance workers are beginning industrial action on Monday due to the ongoing dispute over pay.

Unite and Unison unions earlier announced that thousands of their members would walkout across England and in Wales, calling on the public to show solidarity with them on picket lines.

Unison members' strike action is taking place across five ambulance services in England and two Liverpool Hospitals, while Unite's members are on strike in the West Midlands, North West, North East, East Midlands and Wales.

Also, GMB union members are on strike at West Midlands ambulance service. GMB members at North West Ambulance Service will also hold another strike on Tuesday.

On the new strikes, Rachel Harrison, GMB national secretary, said earlier that GMB’s ambulance workers are "angry" and "they are done."

"Our message to the Government is clear - talk pay now," she added in a statement last week.

Meanwhile, many unions, including train drivers to health care staff, announced last week a new wave of strikes for February and March.

The largest strike in NHS history is scheduled for Feb. 6 with both ambulance workers and nurses holding joint action.

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