American nurse, her child released after being kidnapped in Haiti

American nurse, her child released after being kidnapped in Haiti

Alix Dorsainvil kidnapped from compound where she worked

By Laura Gamba

BOGOTA, Colombia (AA) - An American nurse and her daughter were freed two weeks after they were kidnapped in Haiti, a Christian humanitarian aid organization where the nurse worked said Wednesday.

“It is with a heart of gratitude and immense joy that we at El Roi Haiti confirm the safe release of our staff member and friend, Alix Dorsainvil and her child who were held hostage in Port au Prince, Haiti. Today we are praising God for answered prayer,” it said in a statement.

Dorsainvil and her daughter were taken from the El Roi compound outside Port-au-Prince on July 27 while the nurse served in the group’s community ministry near the Haitian capital.

Dorsainvil is originally from the US state of New Hampshire and she is the wife of El Roi Haiti’s director, Sandro Dorsainvil, according to the aid organization.

A $1 million ransom had been requested but the organization did not disclose if any money was paid for their freedom.

“There is still much to process and to heal from in this situation, so we are asking that no attempts be made to contact Alix or her family at this time,” said the statement.

Gang violence in Haiti in recent years has plunged the Caribbean nation an unprecedented crisis. Gangs control 80% of Port-au-Prince, which is home to 3 million people who are exposed to rape, torture and kidnappings. Local nonprofit groups have documented 539 kidnappings since January.

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