Amid floods, China’s weather authority forecasts 3 more typhoons, heavy rain

Amid floods, China’s weather authority forecasts 3 more typhoons, heavy rain

As many as 3 typhoons are expected to make landfall and significantly impact the country in August, says China Meteorological Administration

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - China’s meteorological authority has forecasted hotter weather, more heavy rainfall, and tropical cyclones that could develop into typhoons in some regions during the current month of August.

As many as three typhoons are expected to make landfall and significantly impact China this month, the CGTN reported on Thursday, citing China Meteorological Administration (CMA).

The storms are predicted to mainly affect the nation's east and coastal areas in the south, it added.

Natural disasters such as flooding, rainstorms, droughts, and wildfires are also forecasted by the meteorological authority.

Throughout August, these regions are expected to receive more rainfall in August than in previous years, and temperatures are expected to be on par with or exceed historical records for the same period, according to the forecast.

It has also been forecast that most areas in southern and northeast China will receive 20-60% more precipitation over the next 10 days than during the same period in previous years.

In some regions, rainfall may even double or triple.

China is witnessing the highest rainfall in 140 years since typhoon Doksuri hit the country last Friday.

So far, the heavy rains have killed 20 people, 11 of whom were in Beijing, and 19 are still missing.

In northwest China, a 10-day heat wave will begin Friday in northwest China, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas.

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