Anadolu captures footage of historical Ihlamur Pavilion in Turkiye's Istanbul

Anadolu captures footage of historical Ihlamur Pavilion in Turkiye's Istanbul

Attracting attention with its architecture, pavilion is example of Baroque ornament details

Busra Coban

ISTANBUL (AA) - Anadolu captured drone footage of Ihlamur (Linden) Pavilion in Türkiye's Istanbul, constructed in 1849-1855 for the purpose of resting, horse riding and hunting during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Abdulmejid I.

Famous for its architecture, the pavilion is an example of the Baroque ornament details, practiced during the Ottoman period.

It is known that the Ottoman sultans hosted foreign statespeople, poets, writers and crafts people in the pavilion.

Ihlamur Pavilion spreads out to an area of more than 24,700 square meters (265,868 square feet). It has two separate structures, a pool and magnificent staircases. Its garden is covered with linden and plane trees.

The reliefs on the walls, colorful furniture, tall windows and lighting inside the pavilion are also well preserved.

*Writing by Erdogan Cagatay Zontur

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