Argentina San Juan bases raided for info on missing sub

Argentina San Juan bases raided for info on missing sub

Argentine police raided the Submarine Command Base, the Puerto Belgrano Navy base and other arsenals

By Susana Noguera Montoya

Bogotá, Colombia (AA) - Friday, the Argentine Federal Police carried out four simultaneous raids in Mar de Plata, Puerto Belgrano and Buenos Aires as part of an investigation to find out what happened to the ARA San Juan submarine, missing since November 15th of last year.

Federal judge, Olivia Marta Yañez, who heads the judicial investigation, ordered raids on the Submarine Command Base and its arsenal. Another arsenal was raided in Puerto Belgrano Navy base and the Directorate of General Naval Supplies in Buenos Aires.

The judge specified that as far as today, no one has been charged in the case, but various measures have been taken in order to find out what happened to the 44 people onboard of the submarine.

“The minister seems open to the proposals and incentives that we have made, such as offering rewards or giving economic aid to the sailors´ children. Now we need concrete actions”, said Marcela Moyano, wife of the missing of the crew member Hernán Rodriguez.

Many relatives of the crew members have spent multiple days in the base, waiting for information on the whereabouts of the missing submarine.

* Ahmed Fawzi Mostefai contributed to this report. ​

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