At least 1 killed, 22 injured in Russian missile strike in Ukraine’s Odesa

At least 1 killed, 22 injured in Russian missile strike in Ukraine’s Odesa

Civil infrastructure, buildings and vehicles also damaged, police say

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least one person was killed and 22 others injured in an overnight Russian missile strike in the southern Ukrainian city of Odesa, police said on Sunday.

The National Police of Ukraine in a statement on Telegram said they were assessing the consequences of the attack, adding that civil infrastructure, high-rise and private residential buildings, and cars were damaged or destroyed as a result of the attack.

It added that law enforcement officers were providing security in the area, ensuring law and order, helping rescuers, and providing the necessary assistance to the injured.

In response, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Kyiv will retaliate. “We will get through this. We will restore peace. And for this, we must defeat the Russian evil,” he said on Telegram.

Russian missile strikes in Ukraine have intensified since Monday, after an explosion at the Kerch bridge, which connects Russia to the Crimean Peninsula.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had called the alleged Ukrainian strike a “terrorist attack” and vowed to retaliate. ​​​​​​​

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