At least 13 injured as man goes on stabbing rampage in South Korea

At least 13 injured as man goes on stabbing rampage in South Korea

Man rams car into sidewalk and targets people in city of Seongnam southeast of Seoul, say police

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) – A man rammed a car into a sidewalk Thursday in South Korea and then embarked on a stabbing spree at a department store, injuring at least 13 people.

Police arrested the suspect, who was in his 20s, around 10 minutes after the attack, which occurred in the city of Seongnam, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of the capital Seoul.

At least eight of the stabbing victims are in critical condition, Yonhap News reported.

The department store is located near the Seohyeon subway station, it said.

The man stabbed nine people and injured four others with the car.

The suspect is refusing to disclose any information, including his motive for the attack, police said.

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