At least 3 killed in Russian missile strike in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia: Zelenskyy

At least 3 killed in Russian missile strike in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia: Zelenskyy

‘Rescue operation is underway, all victims will be provided with necessary assistance,’ says Ukrainian president

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least three people were killed on late Wednesday due to a Russian missile strike in the city of Zaporizhzhia In southeastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian president said.

“Zaporizhzhia. Another attack by Russian terrorists. As of now, three people have been reported dead. My condolences to the families!” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a statement on Telegram.

Zelenskyy said that a rescue operation in the area is underway. “All victims will be provided with the necessary assistance,” he added.

“And this war crime of Russia will certainly face its sentence. And the response to Russian terrorists will be on the frontline - thanks to our heroic warriors,” he said.

In a separate statement, Zaporizhzhia Governor Yuriy Malashko said on Telegram that a church and shops in the city’s Shevchenkivskyi district were destroyed by "high-precision” weapons.

“The blast wave blew out windows in high-rise buildings. We are working to eliminate the consequences of the actions of the terrorist country,” Malashko added.

He later said that seven injured are known, but that their numbers may increase “as windows were broken in many apartments, glass fragments were scattered.”

Russian officials have not yet commented on the strike.

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, which started in February 2022, has killed over 9,300 civilians and wounded more than 16,600, according to the latest UN figures.

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