At least 48 killed in attacks in northwestern Nigeria

At least 48 killed in attacks in northwestern Nigeria

Gunmen on motorcycles attacked villagers in Zamfara state, according to authorities

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least 48 people were killed by gunmen in three communities in northwestern Nigeria on Friday, according to local authorities.

Aminu Suleiman, a local official in Bakura in Zamfara State, confirmed the attack on Sunday, saying that bandits on motorcycles attacked people in the village of Sabon Gari Damri, local media reported.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday commended the military "for not showing any let up as they continue to achieve positive outcomes based on their current operational trajectory in the Northwest and particularly Zamfara State which has been a hotbed of criminal activity.”

He added: “We mustn’t allow the return of days when the bandits had a free hand to do as they wished."

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