Attacks on Quran continue in Denmark

Attacks on Quran continue in Denmark

Iranian-born Danish woman shredded copy of Quran in front of Iranian Embassy

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Attacks on the Muslim holy book continued in Denmark, as an Iranian-born Danish woman desecrated a copy of the Quran in the capital Copenhagen.

Firoozeh Bazrafkan shredded a copy of the Quran in front of the Iranian Embassy on Saturday.

Wearing a t-shirt, reading: "Woman," "Life," "Freedom," she shared footage of the desecration of the Quran, defining her provocative act as "an art performance."

Recent months have seen repeated acts of Quran burning or desecration, or attempts by Islamophobic figures or groups, especially in northern European and Nordic countries, drawing outrage from Muslim countries and the world.

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