Australia advises citizens against traveling to Lebanon

Australia advises citizens against traveling to Lebanon

Several nations have issued similar alerts amid rising tensions along Lebanon's border with Israel

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Australia on Friday “strongly advised” its citizens against traveling to Lebanon.

“The security situation in Lebanon remains extremely volatile,” Foreign Minister Penny Wong said in a brief statement.

Wong said Canberra continues to "strongly advise Australians not to travel to Lebanon."

“Australians in Lebanon should leave now while commercial flights remain available,” said Wong on X.

Tensions have risen along Lebanon's border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between Lebanese group Hezbollah and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv pressed ahead with its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has killed over 37,700 people since October following an attack by the Palestinian group Hamas.

Kuwait was the first country to ask its nationals in Lebanon last Friday to avoid travel to Lebanon and those inside the country to leave as soon as possible “in view of the security situation taking place in the region."

US, Germany, Netherlands, Canada and North Macedonia have also urged their citizens to leave the country amid a growing risk of a full-blown war in Lebanon.​​​​​​​

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