Australian Actor Travis Fimmel visits Hagia Sophia

Australian Actor Travis Fimmel visits Hagia Sophia

Türkiye's deputy minister of tourism accompanies with the actor during his visit

By Aise Humeyra Akgun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Australian Hollywood actor Travis Fimmel, famous for his role as King Ragnar in "Vikings," met with Türkiye's Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Batuhan Mumcu during a tourist visit to Istanbul on Thursday.

The actor visited Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque and Historical Museum with Mumcu.

Fimmel informed about the history and architecture of the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, then experienced the atmosphere of the Hagia Sophia Historical Museum, which digitally showcases its rich history to visitors.

Mumcu, accompanying the famous actor on the tour, announced a record increase in tourist numbers in 2023.

Fimmel highlighted the role of the Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA) in promoting Türkiye globally. He emphasized efforts to attract the international film industry, expressing satisfaction with the country's growing appeal to renowned stars.

TGA continues its promotional efforts, drawing the attention of global travelers, including Hollywood's famous actors, directors, and producers, to Türkiye's rich cultural heritage.

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