Australian man sentenced to 40-month prison term for possessing child abuse material

Australian man sentenced to 40-month prison term for possessing child abuse material

"He hid behind his good character, offending over a course of several years," judge says to Adam Orvad

By Ayse Irem Tiryaki

ANKARA (AA) - An Australian man with more than 90,000 materials depicting child abuse, including baby pictures, was given a 40-month prison sentence Thursday, according to media reports.

Adam Orvad, 51, who was arrested last year for possessing and sharing child abuse files in an investigation that started in 2021, appeared before a judge in the Wollongong District Court, Canberra-based ABC News reported.

He admitted to having child abuse material and utilizing a communication service to share and promote the content.

Orvad said in his defense he was experiencing stress due to the loss of his father and a job termination, which led to a stressful work life.

The head of the court dismissed claims of Orvad's "good character" based on his clean record and involvement in a church.

"He hid behind his good character, offending over a course of several years," said the judge. "Those who view child abuse material feed exploitation and abuse.”

Orvad will be eligible for parole in July 2024.

*Writing by Necva Tastan in Istanbul

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