Award ceremony for Palestinian writer postponed in Germany

Award ceremony for Palestinian writer postponed in Germany

Litprom Association cites recent Hamas attack on Israel as reason for postponement, according to local media reports

By Mesut Zeyrek

COLOGNE (AA) - The ceremony at the 75th Frankfurt International Book Fair in Germany, where Palestinian writer Adania Shibli was to receive the LiBeraturpreis 2023 award, has been postponed.

The Litprom Association announced that the award for Shibli's novel titled Minor Detail will be given at a later date instead of Oct. 20.

According to local media reports on Friday, the association cited the recent Hamas attack on Israel as the reason for the delay as "no one wanted to celebrate it."

Shibli's novel, which was awarded by an independent jury, was praised by some and criticized by others for antisemitic stereotypes.

The award ceremony is scheduled to take place on a date to be determined after the book fair.

Kaynak:Source of News

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