Azerbaijan purchases Italian military transport aircraft

Azerbaijan purchases Italian military transport aircraft

C-27J Spartan aircraft will be used for military transportation, airborne operations involving paratroopers and cargo, and medical missions

By Muhammed Enes Calli

ISTANBUL (AA) – Azerbaijan purchased an Italian military transport aircraft, the C-27J Spartan, the Azerbaijan presidency confirmed on Wednesday.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev viewed a military transport aircraft produced by the Italian Leonardo company at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport, according to a statement.

"The head of state was informed about the tactical and technical characteristics, operation, and other indicators of the aircraft," it added.

"The aircraft is capable of performing both defense and civil defense missions in complex geographical terrain and operational conditions."

The C-27J Spartan aircraft will be used for military transportation, airborne operations involving paratroopers and cargo, and medical missions, the statement added.

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